About the Widows Sons

WS-Story Part 1 by Army Nunez
WS-Story Part 2 by Army Nunez
Documented Chronological History of the Widows Sons


The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association is an International Association which is open to Masons from Grand Lodges who are recognized as regular by

1. The United Grand Lodge of England,
2. The Commission for Information for Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters in North America

Our purpose is to contribute to the aid and relief of our Widows & Orphans of Master Masons, enjoy the sport of motorcycling, have a desire to ride with and associate with their regular fraternal brothers, and raise Masonic Awareness in the world of  motorcycling.

While we wear identifying patches or regalia, the Widows Sons are not a gang, MC, or a 1% Club. We are a Masonic Riders Association and  represent the Masonic fraternity in a most positive light at all times. The Widows Sons raise Masonic Awareness while we attend public motorcycling events, and we support our Lodges in whatever capacity we are able. The Widows Sons have helped to increase Masonic membership through our public presence and visibility. We are a billboard for Freemasonry and must govern ourselves accordingly at all times.

The Widows Sons have proven themselves to be a positive asset to the fraternity around the world. Many of our chapters are proud to have current and Past Grand Masters as members. We regularly attract new members to the fraternity, and several of our chapters have Degree Teams who volunteer in doing Masonic work for many Masonic Lodges whenever possible, and 
we have a Masonic Funeral Service for our members through the Grand Guard of the Widows Sons.

The Widows Sons was conceived of and founded by Brother Carl Davenport PM, on February 18, 1998. Today we have active chapters around the world.

If you are interested in joining the Widows Sons, we would be very happy to hear from you. Please contact us from the website contact link.

To learn more about our purpose, history, & goals, please visit our Founder's Site by clicking here.

Administration & Chapter Support

1. The International Association is comprised of individual Grand Chapters and their constituent chapters. Each Grand Chapter is autonomous or governs themselves within their Grand Lodge jurisdictional within the due boundaries of Freemasonry and the Widows Sons bylaws and Landmarks. 
2. The grand chapter determines what the policies are in regards to membership requirements, dues (if any), and all matters pertaining to the Widows Sons in their Masonic jurisdiction. We have modeled ourselves in a similar fashion to Masonic Grand Lodges who determine the rules and By Laws of their jurisdictions, membership requirements, etc. 
3. There are no national, or international officers, no President's Councils, or governing boards or anyone who has authority or a voice in the affairs of a grand chapter.
4. The grand chapter's does not have authority in another grand chapter's Masonic jurisdiction,   and has no voice or vote in another jurisdiction.

5. Each Grand Chapter is required to adhere to our Landmarks or the original purpose & spirit of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.

To form a Grand Chapter, interested brethren may contact us from the contact link on the website.

Those who wish to become members where we already have established chapters must seek membership through the respective jurisdiction on our "Chapters" page. If there is no link for the jurisdiction where you wish to become a members, please use our Contact link and we will forward your inquiry to the proper representative.


Our Patch or Logo

The original widow logo is no longer promoted as it has been replaced by the Winged pyramid.

The Symbolism and explanation behind the Logo:  Modern Style Logo
The Widows Sons Story: by Armando Nunez. 

The important thing to note is that it is NOT the patch or logo we wear that unites us,  what unites us is the fact that we are Masons first, then Widows Sons.

The Widows Sons have been imitated by several groups using our name and logo, but we have yet to be duplicated. We are unique.